Happy (40th) Anniversary Ground Zero Newsletter!

Forty years ago this month, in February 1979, the people of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action published their first newsletter, Ground Zero, Volume 1, Number 1. The inaugural newsletter represented a much different era (technologically) than the one we know today. And yet the spirit behind, and within, it remains much the same. Ground Zero’s Glen Milner puts it in perspective: “Mimeograph machines were a modern technology in the 1970s. Technologies change but a lot of things haven’t.” Ground Zero co-founder Shelley Douglass remembers that the newsletter was “typed on a stencil if I’m remembering correctly” (and I’m pretty […]

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April Ground Zero Newsletter, and much more…

Greetings Friends of Ground Zero Center, As I sit here contemplating the seemingly endless cycle of global violence and the reactive, shortsighted reactions that continue this madness I find myself working hard to stay centered, and I am all the more grateful for the huge community of people who are working on many levels for a nonviolent world at peace with justice for all. We know that war is NOT the answer, and yet the rush to violent “solutions” and war has become the norm. Concepts like diplomacy become meaningless in such a context. We are continuously fed the false […]

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