Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Never Again!

GZ Nonviolence E-News August 9, 2018 Dear Friends of a nuclear weapons-free world,Today, August 9th, marks the 73rd anniversary of the day the United States dropped an an atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki, Japan. This was the second bomb used by the US, against a primarily civilian population, before the Japanese government could fully grasp what had happened at Hiroshima just three days before. History books in the US tell us that the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary to end the war, and few ever question this narrative. Yet the truth is far from the accepted […]

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Activists honor Catholic archbishop, who was a prophetic voice for peace, on anniversary of atomic bombing

Editor’s Note: This is today’s news release on the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. August 6, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Leonard Eiger, (425) 445-2190, outreach@gzcenter.org Silverdale, Washington: Activists blockaded the West Coast nuclear submarine base that would likely carry out a nuclear strike against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) should President Donald Trump give the order. Activists with Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action held a vigil at the Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor Main Gate beginning on the evening of August 5th and continuing into the morning of August 6th, the anniversary of the atomic bombing […]

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Nuclear Resisters sing their way to court!

Editor’s Note: Thanks to Tom Rogers and Mary Gleysteen for reporting on yesterday’s court hearings. Their commentaries are woven together for this report. Thanks, also, to the resisters who engaged in the Mothers Day weekend nonviolent direct action last May, as well as those who were able to show up to support them at yesterday’s hearings. Click here to read the news release from the Mothers Day action. Ten nuclear resisters, who blocked the entrance to the largest concentration of deployed nuclear weapons in the United States, appeared in court to plead their cases for peace and nuclear abolition. The […]

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Metro Bus Ad to inform citizens of Puget Sound about Nuclear Weapons stockpiled in their Back Yard

On July 9, and continuing for four weeks, up to 39 Metro downtown buses will display the following paid advertisement: Puget Sound: Home to one-third of deployed U.S. nuclear weapons… Accept Responsibility. Included in the advertisement is a map showing the proximity of Seattle to Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor, home port for 8 of the Navy’s 14 Trident nuclear-powered submarines, and a U.S. Navy photo of the Trident submarine, USS Nebraska, taken on June 2, 2017 near Elliott Bay. Also beginning on July 9, three larger versions of the ad (Ultra Super King, shown below) will appear on three Metro downtown […]

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Resisters symbolically close Trident base ahead of Mothers Day

Editor’s Note: The following news of Saturday’s Ground Zero Center Mother’s Day vigil and nonviolent direct action is from this morning’s news release. Silverdale, WA, May 12, 2018: Fourty-two activists were present at the Bangor Trident submarine base to celebrate the true meaning of Mothers Day for Peace and to protest nuclear weapons. Ten activists symbolically closed Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor for about 20 minutes by blocking the road to the Main Gate in a nonviolent direct action on the Saturday before Mothers Day. They held two banners across the inbound lanes. One read “The Earth is our Mother. Treat her […]

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