Abolishing Nuclear Weapons – No Utopian Dream

By Leonard Eiger & Glen Milner January 28, 2024 The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) went into effect three years ago (on January 22, 2021) making nuclear weapons illegal under international law for the first time in history. The TPNW is the first legally binding international agreement to comprehensively prohibit nuclear weapons, with the goal of leading towards their total elimination. It specifically prohibits countries from producing, testing, acquiring, possessing or stockpiling nuclear weapons. It also outlaws the transfer of the weapons and forbids signatories from allowing any nuclear explosive device to be stationed, installed or deployed […]

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Death by Nationalism

By Robert C. Koehler (originally published in Common Wonders on Wednesday, October 12th, 2022) The game may be almost over. Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies put it this way: “The irresolvable dilemma facing Western leaders is that this is a no-win situation. How can they militarily defeat Russia, when it possesses 6,000 nuclear warheads and its military doctrine explicitly states that it will use them before it will accept an existential military defeat?” Neither side is willing to let go of its commitment: to protect, to expand, a piece of the whole planet, no matter what the cost. The […]

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Former Nuclear Submarine Commander Speaks Out About Nukes!

Text of Tom Rogers address to the September 24th Seattle Rally for Nuclear Abolition  Thank you. It’s an honor to be here. I had a 32 year career in the navy as a submarine officer. When I commanded a nuclear submarine, I was directly responsible for nuclear weapons. I understand that nuclear weapons are an existential threat to humanity. If I fail to oppose a national security strategy based on the threat of nuclear annihilation, then I am complicit. So, I’ve been a member of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action for about 20 years. I’m often surprised that local […]

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Put civilization at the top of our agenda!

Editor’s Note: This post is a letter to the editor written by Ground Zero’s Mary Gleysteen, It was published in the Kitsap Sun on January 27, 2020. We invite you to write letters to the editor of your local newspapers. Click here to learn more about the Doomsday Clock. Check out our Take Action page to learn more about the new “low-yield” W76-2 Trident warhead. ******** The Sun just ran an article about the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moving the Doomsday Clock to 100 Seconds to Midnight. This represents the closest we have come to destroying civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making since the clock’s […]

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Time to Disarm the Patriarchy!

Dear Friends of a world free of nuclear weapons, There is way too much testosterone going around in Washington, D.Ceit these days. Of course, testosterone is nothing new in the halls of power. It manifests itself in destructive ways – from the seemingly endless spewing of harmful pollutants into our fragile environment to the continuing production of weapons of war and their use around the world. The corporate patriarchs reap the monetary rewards, while throwing a few crumbs to their dependents in the halls of Congress (who we elect to represent the people’s interests) to get their support for these destructive practices. There is high irony in the fact that […]

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