Letters to the Editor – An Important Outreach Tool!

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following letters to the editor (one recently submitted and one published) are from activists dedicated to putting an end to the threat of nuclear war. Letters to the editor are an important tool in not only reaching our fellow citizens and sharing our views, and also reminding our news outlets know that this issue is of extraordinary importance to all of humanity. Please share your letters to the editor; send them to outreach@gzcenter.org. A Tale of Two Nightmares:  Global Pandemic and Nuclear War  By Mona Lee, Seattle  At some level, human civilization has long been aware of […]

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Letter to a Trident Crew Member

“Letter to a Trident Crew Member” was written by James Douglass, and originally published in the Ground Zero Newsletter, Fall 1986, Vol. 5, No. 3. Dear Friend, I write to you in the hope that you are open to reading a letter from someone who believes in you but rejects Trident as a crime against God and humanity. I believe in you as a person of conscience, at the same time as I am deeply troubled by the power you have to destroy the world. I believe and hope in you, but I hate what lies within the Trident missiles […]

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Addressing the threats to Planetary Survival!

Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action is a signatory to the Earth Day 2020 sign on statement from members of the Abolition 2000 global network to eliminate nuclear weapons: “Addressing the threats to Planetary Survival” The year 2020 marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day[i] and finds the planet facing existential threats like never before in human history. The threat from climate change is manifesting itself more and more strongly as the years go by through extreme weather events, forest fires on a vast scale, the bleaching of coral reefs, and receding glaciers, among others.  This year also sees the […]

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Will the Coronavirus Pandemic Help Curb War and Militarism?

By Lawrence Wittner (Guest Contributor) [Dr. Lawrence Wittner (https://www.lawrenceswittner.com/ ) is Professor of History Emeritus at SUNY/Albany and the author of Confronting the Bomb (Stanford University Press).] Decades ago, when I began teaching international history, I used to ask students if they thought it was possible for nations to end their fighting of wars against one another.  Their responses varied.  But the more pessimistic conclusions were sometimes tempered by the contention that, if the world’s nations faced a common foe, such as an invasion from another planet, this would finally pull them together. I was reminded of this on March […]

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Which Would You Prefer―Nuclear War or Climate Catastrophe?

By Lawrence Wittner [Dr. Lawrence Wittner (https://www.lawrenceswittner.com/ ) is Professor of History Emeritus at SUNY/Albany and the author of Confronting the Bomb (Stanford University Press).] To:      The people of the world From:  The Joint Public Relations Department of the Great Powers The world owes an enormous debt of gratitude to Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Narendra Modi, Boris Johnson, and other heroic rulers of our glorious nations.  Not only are they hard at work making their respective countries great again, but they are providing you, the people of the world, with a choice between two opportunities for […]

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