Nuclear Weapons Resolution for Democratic Caucus

Editor’s Note: This resolution on nuclear weapons was prepared by Ground Zero Center to present at 2016 Democratic caucuses.

Whereas the US Navy wants to spend $100 billion to rebuild its nuclear ballistic missile submarine fleet and,

Whereas this same amount of money could allow 9 million people 4 year university enrollments or hire 1.8 million math and science teachers and,Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

Whereas the Pentagon wants to spend $1 trillion over 30 years to modernize nuclear weapons systems and,

Whereas the US faces a huge homeless and hungry population, lack of infrastructure repairs, fast trains, and underfunded responses to Global Warming and,

Whereas any use of nuclear weapons would be immoral, cause immediate suffering and death to millions, and cause Nuclear Winter killing many millions more;

Now be it Resolved that the Washington State Democrats and Congressional Delegation endorse and promote the Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures (SANE) Act thereby saving $100 billion over 10 years scaling down, delaying, or cancelling nuclear weapons programs and,

Be it further Resolved that the US save $1 trillion over 30 years by abolishing all nuclear weapons through international agreements by supporting H.R.1976 – Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act of 2015, which is intended to accomplish this goal.

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