14 cited at anti-nuclear weapons demonstration

55 people were present on May 13, at the demonstration against Trident nuclear weapons at the Bangor submarine base.  14 demonstrators attempted to block the main highway entrance into the base and were cited by the Washington State Patrol. At around 3:30 pm on Saturday, six demonstrators entered the highway carrying a large banner stating, “THE EARTH IS OUR MOTHER—TREAT HER WITH RESPECT”, and briefly blocked traffic at the Main Gate at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor.  They were removed from the highway by the Washington State Patrol. After a short period of time, eight other demonstrators entered the highway with a […]

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Thirteen nuclear resisters arrested at Bangor Trident base

Photo by Fumi Tosu The Pacific Life Community returned to Washington state for their annual gathering, concluding with a blockade of the main gate into the Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor. The base is the Pacific homeport of the Trident nuclear ballistic missile submarine fleet.Watch movie online The Transporter Refueled (2015) A two-day program at a nearby retreat center built on the legacy of now-retired Raymond Hunthausen. As Archbishop of Seattle in 1984, he declared that “Trident is the Auschwitz of Puget Sound.” Hunthausen’s wages were garnished when he publicly refused to pay the war tax percentage in protest. Snow and rain […]

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Here’s to Sanity and Abolition Efforts in the New Year

New Year’s Eve Greetings Friends of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, One year is nearly over and another about to begin, and this is NOT a plea for donations. This is a different kind of request. I want you to read on and join us in building the world we know is possible, yet may seem so far off. Yes, it takes money. Yet, it takes so much more than that. As we have learned from the wisdom of Standing Rock, we need to “support, educate, protect, collaborate, unify, occupy and protest” and much more. The horrible seeds of […]

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Peace flotilla and nonviolent direct action at Trident nuclear submarine base mark anniversary of atomic bombings (Press Release)

Contact: Leonard Eiger (425) 445-2190 or Glen Milner (206) 365-7865 Silverdale, Washington: Local peace activists staged a water-based nonviolent protest and witness for peace in Hood Canal at the Trident nuclear submarine base on August 9th marking the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. The activists travelled along the Bangor waterfront where nuclear warheads and Trident missiles are loaded onto submarines and where submarines are resupplied for ballistic missile patrols in the Pacific Ocean. On August 8th activists staged a vigil and nonviolent direct action in which some activists blocked the entrance gate to the same Naval base. The August 9th peace flotilla, named “Boats by Bangor,” […]

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Peace flotilla to visit waterfront of Trident nuclear submarine base in Hood Canal on August 9th

Media/Press Contacts: Leonard Eiger (425) 445-2190 Mary Gleysteen (360) 265-1589 Glen Milner (206) 365-7865 Day of the event (206) 979-8319 Local activists will stage a water-based nonviolent protest and witness for peace in Hood Canal at the Trident nuclear submarine base.  Peace activists will travel along the Bangor waterfront where nuclear warheads and Trident missiles are loaded onto submarines and where submarines are resupplied for ballistic missile patrols in the Pacific Ocean. The witness for peace at the nuclear submarine base marks the 71st commemoration of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, Japan. What:  Peace activists at nuclear submarine base waterfront.  This is the first year for the […]

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